Thursday, November 5, 2009

Best place or section to sit at during a usc trojans football game at the coliseum?|162641

what is the best section and row to sit at because im planning to buy season tickets for the upcoming season. and what sections do the away team_s fans sit at, like ucla fans? and how much do individual tickets usually go up to?

  • The best seats would depend on where you want to sit, wouldn_t it? Some people hate the student section while others love it. Some hate the sun in your face, others hate the high seats, etc etc. So it depends on you.

    The visiting team_s section is located between the goal post and the tunnel where they come out. This means if you were walking out out of the tunnel, then the visitors would be seated to your left one section over no farther then directly behind the goal post.

    General tickets go from about 40 dollars for regular schools to 50-75 dollars for games against teams like UCLA or ND.

    I myself do not like the lower seats at the Coliseum. There is to much crap in the way such as people and camera equipment. I prefer to sit all the way up with the pigeons since I am still young and can see well. From up there I have a clear view of the entire game as it happens. Plus the seats cost the same no matter where they are located.

  • The best section is at the 50 yard line, about 10 or 20 rows up. But you_ll never see those in your lifetime. USC tickets are very popular, and you_ll have to start out on the fringes of the end zone.

    Here_s the seating chart:��

    If you_re a student, they_re not going to seat you on the visitor_s side.
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