Friday, December 5, 2008

What does the graduation ceremony from BCT at fort leonard wood consist of?|165970

i am wondering how long i will have with my boyfriend and what i should wear?

  • I didn_t go though Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood (I did live there for over a year though as a spouse), but the ceremony will depend on how many units are graduating. Each unit marchs in and then there_s speeches. My graduation was in SC and it was outdoors.

    So, if I were you, I_d wear a sundress with a wide brimmed hat. You_ll want to be comfy. Watch (or your choice of weather sites) for updates and take an umbrella just in case.

    How long you_ll have with your boyfriend depends on how quickly his drill SGTs release them. Does he have his orders for AIT yet? And will he stay at Wood? You_ll probably have time together. His orders will indicate when he has to report to AIT.

    I_d suggest getting away from post _ heading to Springfield. There will be more hotel choices there _ more stuff to do.

    Edited to add: make sure you have comfy shoes for the graduation ceremony. There may not be enough seating for all the family members present.

    Edited again: Check out the Fort Leonard Wood website. There are specific rules for those allowed to go off post.

  • Went through all that waaaaaaay back in 76....back then it was some marching and speeches and that was it. Immediately after I got a ticket back to Dallas and had a little time at home before reporting back for AIT. But it may be a whole different world now.
  • What classes are eligible for the Simone Award in KC high school football?|107736

    I know that there is a separate award for the best small school player in KC but what is it and what classes are eligible for it. Is it class 6, 5, and 4 that win the Simone. Then do the other 3 classes win the small school award?

  • You can ask the school.
  • Should I get an Apartment in Hollywood that offers only Street Parking?|106857

    I found a great appartment in Hollywood, but it only offers street parking. I_m worried because I drive a nice car and I_m affraid something might happen to it. I can_t make up my mind should I get the apartment or not? The appartment is on Fernwood ave, it is at the corner of St Andrews Pl and Sunset Blvd.

  • At least you_ll never have to shovel it out after a snowstorm.

  • Parking in Hollywood can be tricky. There are districts and permits that you may have to get, which could cost as much as any damage done to your car.Then there_s the street sweepers

  • Maybe you should ask the people here:;_ylt=��

    You do know that you_re asking this question in the Chicago section, don_t you?
  • Where is the best place to watch the fireworks in New york City?|191481

    My wife and I are going to NYC for the first time ever, and we need to know where to watch the fireworks go off.

  • The closer you can get to the East side of Manhattan, the better. The City of NY closes the FDR Drive to vehicles and pedestrians can than get on and see the fireworks from there.

    Also, if you can get to Roosevelt Island ( in between Queens _ Manhattan), that would be a good spot, as would any of the East River border areas in Queens (Long Island City) and Brooklyn (Williamsburg) are good alternatives.

  • The Brooklyn Promenade; Battery Park; the FDR Drive (which is closed to cars for the event); and Van Briesen Park and the lawn of Alice Austen House Museum on Staten Island.

  • Battery Park or by the Brooklyn Bridge !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 4th of July... Statue of Liberty

  • They close the FDR drive for viewers on the 4th of July, but warning, you will have to get there early. Seriously, if your no there by 3PM, forget about it.
  • >>>


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