Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What state has nice weather most of the time?|145675

I don_t care about storms or rain, but what state doesn_t have really cold winters and really hot summers? A state that just has _medium_ winters and summers?

  • well dont move to north idaho unless you want 6 feet of snow every winter! (i gotta get out of here!) id say washington or oregon because thats where im looking for the same reasons

  • Its hard to find one without either cold winters or hot summers but the Arkansas area or northern Texas isn_t too bad.
  • Can someone explain to me why Texas clubs close at 2am and they stop serving alcohol?|185027

    Why cant you buy hard alcohol after 9pm and beer after midnite? Also why cant you buy hard alcohol on a sunday and you cant buy beer til after noon on a sunday? I really dont get this... Thanks in advance

  • Because in TX you should either be either back home getting laid or passed out by 2am. If you haven_t accomplished this by 2am, then the night is lost and it_s time to pack it in and try again tomorrow...

  • its usually not a state law its a county or city ordinance. and you can always go party somewhere else. the people who passed those laws had an nterest in mind when they did its not for you to always understand but if you live their and participate in the community go to the meetings and learn something. like it or not its politics and like I said before people live there so its their rules.

  • That_s how the Law is. Check this out for a better Overview. Its not just in Texas but all over the country with a few minor exceptions and variations.


  • You_re lucky if you_re in a county in Texas that allows even that. Where I went to college in San Marcos, TX, they closed the bars at 12 Sunday through Friday and at 1 on Saturday. I don_t the explanation to exactly why they sell and serve alcohol the way they do in Texas. Sorry!

  • now I cann_t but if it is a problem for you come to Hamburg. Hamburg Reeperbahn is open especially for you 365 day a year 24 hours a day.
    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany

  • It_s the Man.

  • State laws, Oklahoma is the same way. It_s worse though the beer is only 3.2%. Most places in Oklahoma you can buy beer until 2am. I like florida better you can party until 6am if you want to .

  • similar lows are in n.j.and other states.this low is to stop the villain_s ,earlier and have better control an the Small towns,is a good low

  • The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) is notoriously strict. In fact, they have even been known to go INTO bars to arrest people for being intoxicated (_public intoxication_, since bars are considered public space in Texas).
    That said, there_s after hours BYOB clubs in Texas as well.

  • Laws made a long time ago. For example, where I live no alcohol is sold Sunday mornings until 1:00 pm. This law was passed like a century ago to keep people from going to church drunk. Re 9 pm _ midnite, I guess they want people to stop drinking early enough so they won_t have too much of a hangover the next day at work and be unproductive, costing employers $$.
    Just a guess.

  • Guess what? I live in a dry county which means alcohol isn_t sold period....doesn_t matter if it_s Sunday or Friday, no alcohol for us (or surrounding counties either). I live in the heart of the bible belt...

  • Kansas is the same way, Liquor stores close at 11, Bars close at 2, and no liquor on Sunday (in most counties/cities) Alcohol is legal, but it is still controlled.

  • a puritanical attitude towards vices persists to the present day.

  • Right or wrong Texas is still in the Bible Belt and the churches have a lot of power. They want the stores closed until after church and they usually get their way

  • Government made the laws to promote more safety on the roads and in bars/clubs.

  • TX is a pretty close minded and backwards state, what do you expect?
  • How many hours does it take to drive from Arizona to Montana?|184546

    My friends and I are driving from lake havasu arizona to montana. how many hours will that take?

  • Montana is a big state. You_ll need to know more specifics than that to get a good estimate of the time. You can drive for 6 hours in Montana without leaving the state easily. Why don_t you figure out where in Montana you want to go and map it? I suggest: maps.google.com
  • >>>


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