Monday, July 13, 2009

Thinking of going to school in SF. How much does it cost for like the monthly or yearly bus pass?|101441

Haha sorry I don_t know what it is called. I_m not use to public transportation and when I go there I just pay with change.

  • Actually, they have raised the monthly pass costs to $55 for adults. It is still a good deal though.��

    A monthly bus pass costs $90 in Seattle, $75 in Portland, and $70 in Los Angeles. And keep in mind that these systems aren_t as comprehensive as the one in San Francisco. You_re never more than two blocks away from a bus stop, light-rail or subway station here.

    Factoring in all that, you_re actually getting quite a bargain.

  • Actually $40 is a good deal considering that it costs $2.00 for each bus or Muni Train ride.

    And if you don_t have a car, you will be using the public transportation system ALOT... daily at least a few times a day so the $40 is WELL worth it!

  • a fast pass for ages 17 and up is $40 for a month
    17 and below is like $10-15
  • Who are the largest landowners in the southwest United States?|129420

    Who are the largest landowners in AZ,UT,NM,NV and CO ?

  • The U.S. Government.

  • Yeah.... The Government. The BLM, USFS, and NPS own [Manage] huge tracks of land....

    Also, there are many Indian reservations [Utes, Navajo] that have a ton of land.
  • >>>


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