Friday, November 28, 2008

What is a good cmpsite to got to that is about 3 hours from new york city? Preferrably with cabins?|131550

I want to go around the end of july. I have a small child so I don_t want to drive for too long. I would also prefer to rent a cabin but tenting it is OK too. What are some beautiful sites with amenities, and areas of interest (ammusement, sites, museums, restaurants etc.) scenery is the most important

  • lewiston pa. off of 78 beautifull country and cabins
  • Where is the best place in Alaska to vacation?|130483

    I would like to know where might be a good place to stay for about a week, and why it would be nice. What there is do do.

  • Any place is great! Bring a camera and journal and make wonderful memories. Go to the Visitor_s Center and get booklets of places where you are not going. That way you can at least read about them. Welcome to Alaska!

  • Having lived in Alaska myself for about 7 years, the only place I can recomend personally is my favorite place to visit, Homer, AK.

    It doesn_t get nearly as cold being in the southern part of the state, though a light to medium jacket is a good idea if you go beach combing ....

    My husband and I stayed in a neat little place (don_t remember the name!) ... it was a winery/cabin rental place. They had really cute little themed cabins, a hot tub, and wine tasting (if you are of age of course ... I was still breastfeeding my oldest so I missed out!) ...

    You can go out on what is called the _Homer Spit_ and go beach combing for different types of driftwood and some little clam shells and stuff ... plus there are some neat little gift shops and restaraunts out there ...

    In town there is a restaraunt (forgive me but I forgot the name of this too!) that makes these gigantic pizzas ... and lots of other nifty foods ... I think it was like a mixed ethnic type thing ... you know, italian, greek, american, etc.

    I Love Homer Alaska! I wouldn_t want to live there, it is rather expensive (being small) but it is my favorite place to visit in the summer during _Tourist Season_.

  • I would suggest taking the 7 day cruise. This way you can see all of the ports/cities for the price of one. Most cruises will stop in Juneau, Skagway, Ketchikan and Sitka. If you want just on city it depends on what. Juneau (state capital) and Anchorage are the most popular. The others are smaller with a strong Russian theme/culture. I would research them all to see what you would like the most.

    Have Fun
  • How can I use The Law of Attractions successfully?|183397

    I have watched the movie several times and I am a believer. My question is how can I use it correctly to receive whatever it is that I really want?

  • The Law of Attraction refers to the idea that what you focus on you attract. For example, if you focus on getting a new job, picture it, believe it in your mind 100%, you will draw a new job to you. The idea is you attract what you focus on, good or bad. So stay focused on what you want instead of what you don_t want. I have personally experienced the law of attraction working time and time again. Give it a won_t be sorry. Hope that helps!

  • I found helpful information from Bob Doyle_s website,��

    He_s in the movie _The Secret_ and breaks down the information in a real practical way.
    You can also check out a Google group,
    that may help you learn to use the LOA principles successfully.

  • It_s simple. You only have to get it right. Remember, it works all the time and it_s working in everyone_s life.

    1. Know what you want. Make sure it_s something you really want.
    2. Ask.
    3. Visualize you are having it.
    4. Believe it_s already yours.
    5. Detach from the outcome. Make sure nothing blocking you from getting it.

    You can learn more about the Secret Law of Attraction at source link below.

  • Just keep believing...just keep believing... just keep believing... NOT!

    Stop believing pseudoscientific BS, and stop believing that movies are real.

    Oh, gotta go check out my Nostradamus predictions for tomorrow!

    Just out of curiosity, what does this have to do with LA travel? The spirituality forum might give you a better audience.

  • Ask for what you want. Be specific.
    Know that you_re going to receive it.
    Receive it.

    It_s really just that simple.


    There_s no belief required.

  • you have to believe on it.and then you have to work on it. then you will get it.

  • so this guy walks into a bar with a suitcase then proceeds to open it up and places a little midget on the barstool... have you heard this one or should i continue?
  • >>>


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