Sunday, April 6, 2008

How much does it cost to rent a golf cart for a week at Myrtle Beach?|104853

I just want a rough estimate but the only site I found had bad reviews and a number to call to ask for rates.

It seems easier to ask you guys. Thanks

  • Hi John,
    It varies widely depending on season of year and course. It will range from $120 for 7 days to almost $500 for the same period. The summer at Myrtle Beach is the off season with the lowest rates.
    There are many, many nice courses to choose from at Myrtle!!
  • What are the best hotels or areas to stay if visiting the Taste of Chicago?|194463

    I will be going there for the first time, and need to know a good all around location, but reasonably priced.

  • Try the Hyatt on Wacker is usually less expensive than other hotels in the downtown area. The Sheraton Hotel and Towers on Michigan Ave is also a nice hotel and an easy walk to the Taste of Chicago. Also the Palmer House Hilton and Hard Rock Hotel are close but usually more expensive. you can seach on and anyother travel website. Just look for hotels near Millenium and Grant Park. If you find a cheap one elsewhere you can always walk, taxi, or take a bus/train. will help with the bus and train maps for public transportation downtown. Enjoy the Taste!

  • check out for cheap hotel prices as well as Orbitz ( You_ll want to select near Grant Park as thats where Taste is held.

    If the cost is holding you back you might want to consider staying at the International Hostel which is on Wabash and Congress Parkway. Its not far from where Taste of Chicago is and you can stay there for about $35 a night.

    Enjoy Taste of Chicago and downtown Chicago in general!!

  • hi i went to taste of chicago last year and am going this year it is so much fun when i went last year i stayed at the palmer house hilton it is so big and great and so many cool shops inside and the ceiling is like the sistine chapel and as i can remember it was like $85 a night so a good deal have a good time!
  • Transportation from NYC to Six flags adventure park New Jersey?|102110


    We are going to NYC in October and are planning on going to Six Flags but do not want to hire a car, is there a bus service to Six Flags and back?

    If so where do we go to get it, how much, and what number etc?


  • NJ Transit Bus 308 from Port Authority Bus Terminal (42nd St_Times Sq), Gate 324.

    Runs once a day to Six Flags, at 9:30am, 7 days a week. 3 times a day back.

    Travel time: 2hrs

    Cost: $50, Including admission to Six Flags.

  • You can take a bus from the Port Authority. If you google them, they have a bus service schedule online that tells you when the bus departs. I believe it goes to 6flags on Saturdays and Sundays (although it might go during the week as well). The cost includes the bus ride and the entrance fee.
  • I may wind up moving to Denver. How long dose it take to acclimate to the mile high altitude.?|175155

    I am originally from Dallas, Texas and never lived or visited a high altitude city.

  • I used to live in Dallas - the altitude won_t be your biggest factor. That will take no time. It will be the lack of humidity that will take a LOT of getting used to.

    Now I hated the humidity in Dallas, so I love how dry it is here. But your skin/nose/hair will need quite a while to adjust.

  • It varies. I moved here from the UK and have never once been affected by the altitude. However, my partner moved here from California a few months ago and he stills finds climbing lots of stairs leaves him a bit breathless and he can_t run as far/exercise for as long as he did (and he_s pretty fit). You_ll just have to come here and see - just take it easy and don_t go rushing into anything too strenuous for a few weeks. Oh yes, and drink lots of water!

  • 4 or five days. Just don_t do a lot of running around.It_s not a big adjustment. Drink plenty of water, even if you_re not thirsty.
    It_s very dry here. Also easy on the booze , you can catch a buzz real quick because of the altitude.
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