Saturday, August 8, 2009

Where are good places to go to meet people in Houston?|101649

I recently moved for my job, and I don_t know anybody past my boss. I am 18 and live alone. I_m not a clubber, so dont suggest it. Preferrebly not in downtown because I_m nowhere close to that but if thats all you got go ahead and suggest it. Thanks!

  • Join a Church, meet people at work, post a yahoo personal ad or go to myspace.

    Welcome to Houston!!

  • Ask some co-workers out or something that_s the quickest was to make friends!
    Church is good too... or look for local clubs and things for stuff to do!
    There are a lot of things like that around Houston... or volunteer some where you will meet people doing that for sure!! People your age volunteer a lot at depelchin childrens home!
    THat_s a good cause, fun, and a way to meet good people!

  • Definitely find a good church with a strong young adults group. They will have a lot of activities. Also, since you have weekends and evenings off, pick up a Leisure Learning paper and find a class that interests you. You_ll be able to meet people with like interests. Good luck to you!

  • It_s summer, go to the Museum of Fine Arts, go to the Zoo.
    Go to the Galleria and take ice skating lessons.

  • go 2 the beach, the movies, sporting events, oh and the mall is always a good place

  • Well considering how spread out Houston is, it will be hard. It_s not very urban and the fact that people in Houston drive more miles in their vehicles per capita in the U.S. can make it difficult.

    The best places to meet people are clubs or school. Churches are also good since Houston is known as a bible belt city. Houston is not the best city to meet people if you hardly know anyone. Inside the loop is about the best place in Houston and Rice Village.

  • Achurch or an Astros game.

  • Try volunteering as a docent at the zoo. Had a good friend meet his wife there and that_s been over twenty years ago. And of course, if you just want to meet people, maybe hang out at the bookstores with those coffee shops. The clubbing scene sucks - so more power to you. Hang tough, you_ll meet people.
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