Thursday, July 2, 2009

What are benefits like in Washington state?|167570

We live in Florida and have a 1-year-old, so we_ve been receiving WIC, food stamps, and Medicaid. We_re relocating to Bellingham, WA in a couple of months, so I wanted to know what the benefits are like there for a family of 3.

I am not even sure the application process is the same from state to state, so any info at all would be appreciated. Thanks!

  • My family_s a family of 4, my sister and I received medicaid, my parents got full benefits from the employers, even though they started at minimum wage (Washington has the highest minimum wage in the country by the way, $8.07 per hour) so they got it through their jobs.

    We did receive food stamps, can_t remember the amount but it was a good amount from what I remember.

    And we also around a hundred dollars knocked off our rent for a period of time.

    So I_d say they_re pretty good.
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