Thursday, May 14, 2009

What kind of academic profile and other features are the deans and admittance at UCLA looking for?|118645

what kinds of grades are usually required, and besides grades what else is necessary? How difficult is UCLA college to get into for various majors such as Science, liberal arts etc....what kind of a school is UCLA?

  • UCLA, as a top school, can pick from the best. You need to be at the top of your class, showing top grades and test scores, extracurricular activities, and _something special_ to help you stand out from the crowd. It_s all competitive, and not too expensive, as UCLA is a public school.

  • being recently admitted into UCLA [arts college], I can tell you that they look for a well rounded student, and diverse in many subject areas. While being in a million extra curricular activities may help, they also weigh some more than others, for instance, among the ones most recognized are Academic Decathlon and Key Club, both being recognized nationwide.
    And yes perfect grades and SAT scores are important but they dont guarantee your acceptance, remember that you are put against 55,000, and maybe more next year, students. And remember that you arent the only one of those that took all AP and Honors courses, that is why you must shine and be the sore thumb.

    For instance you may list in your application that you were in 5, or even 20 clubs, however you probably arent the only one. So you must be diverse, again, remember that you must show these people that you will be a valuable contribution to their campus, because they want to build a strong class of _12 or _13. So they want a group of _geniuses_ and a group of diverse future business men or a culturally diverse group of physiologists. Again they weigh you against others and they want the best, so show them you are in the personal statement, so you want to be sure that it is perfect.

    So dont always believe that a _5.0_ and 2400 sat scores will get you in, you are only human! Remember that they want a well rounded person to be their future alums, they want people that are unique and can give more that applicant 1 2 3 and 4 all the way to 55,000. You must show them in ur app and personal statement that you are a talented, well rounded applicant and they see that in your app, your classes and the grades uve gotten , and most of all you want to let them know that you out of the 55,000+ is as talented and that you are the shiny star among them, while you will not be the only shining star, you CAN be the few shiny math, history, science, that will make it in with you.
    Remember, ordinary people have a descent shot of getting in, but it is the extra-ordinary people that have the advantage.
    Good Luck!

  • I am boycotting UCLA. my cousin was not allowed to attend because she _didn_t meet a certain _ethnic_ criteria_ what ever the hell that means. Actually I know what it means, but i will refrain from any further comment! So i could care less about what academic profile ucla looks for. needless to say, she is an honor student at another university (which is FAR more difficult to get admitted) and will graduate in May.

  • well, when I applied as an undergrad to the engineering college back in 2002, I had a 4.0, 1410/1600 SAT (we didn_t have the 2400 yet and we had analogies), no AP classes yet, lots of speech and debate awards, leadership positions, a good essay.

    and i was from out-of-state!!

    well, i took up another prestigious college, but now i work in LA building spaceships.

    i_ve heard UCLA is pretty physics, MBA, and probably arts since we_re in hollywood.

  • 4.0--- all AP classes and very high SAT_s and California residents prefered. 80% of all students there are from California and most are valdictorian or salutorians of their classes...
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