Saturday, September 13, 2008

How much does the Marilyn Monroe suite at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel cost?|163044

Me and two of my friends wanna take a trip to California soon and we were hoping to stay in that suite. I wanted to know like a ballpark area of how much it_s gonna cost and if three people can stay in there.
Never been to Cali and I am very excited to see it. Please let me know. Thanks.

  • Marilyn lived in one of the bungalows on the pool, and her personal mirror is on the second floor near the elevator. Figure on between 3 and 4 hundred per night. I must admit, the hotel is a little dark and spooky but its a blast staying there. There is usually a party every night on the pool and there are always a-list movie stars there.

  • Most people living in the Los Angeles area don_t need to stay in a hotel very often. We have our own homes/apartments.

    Why don_t you try calling the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel and ask them yourself. They won_t bite. Their toll free number is 1-800-950-7667. It won_t cost you anything, and you_ll know exactly how much. Please note that most hotels will not rent to unchaperoned teens (if you fit in that category). They tend to disturb other guests, and damage the rooms.

    When you do come PLEASE, do not refer to our state as _Cali_. Most of us find it insulting to equate our state with a drug city in South America (Cali, Colombia). People living in other states, and Californians too young to understand that the term _Cali_ is intended to be a put down are the only ones that call our state _Cali_.

  • More coin than i got.. peedle said it best .. I don_t think i can add to that, except I have no problem with the term _Cali_. When i see LA (as referring to Los Angeles) or Angelinos for the residents I have been known to go postal, though
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