Prospect Hill, Cincinnati
It is the original _corporate city limits_ back when the city was founded.
Some will say that it is the wrong part of town, but all you need to do is park your car and take a walk up the street.... I promise that you will see _for rent_ signs and you will fall in love. It is several blocks long, all residential (except for Milton_s Tavern) and every building on the street is a national historic landmark. Oh yea, did I mention the panoramic view of the city.... With out the Mt Adams price tag!!!��
Mount Lookout is getting better. I don_t think you_ll be able to find a nice safe house all that close to UC. It_s not a bad area, but it_s not nice either.
Here_s a nice website about all the neighborhoods:��
I work with guys who are from the Cincy area. I_ll ask them tonight.