Monday, January 26, 2009

Where is a fun place to do work experience?|199716

I live in surrey near London and need to sort out a work experience for one week. I_m into acting, fashion, art, beauty etc. I want somewhere which will be fun and a week to remember. I thought about places such as Television studios, at a magazine, clothes stores but I can_t find somewhere. Please give suggestions and tips, thank you!

  • You need to be carefull i did work experience in a beauty salon and with your age you dont really get to be hands on in everything just makeing cuppas and watching them so y not try a farm something different x
  • What states are the most dangerous to live in?|100196

    And also what cities are worst in these states?

  • I know Miami Beach, Fl has the highest crime rate. New York City, Los Angelas, CA and San Fransisco, CA also have really high crime rates and some gangs.

  • yall need to research more.... louisiana been the most dangerous state to live in since the 1970s and they dont even have gangs. its the one of the smallest states in the country but yet its murder rate is twice as high as the national average... new orleans isstill higher than others after katrina.

  • Dangerous in terms of natural disasters, or human problems?
    The Estero/Fort Meyers/Naples area of Florida has FATAL car crashes almost daily.

  • Here is a link for 100 largest Metro areas in the US, showing lowest to highest crime rates:��

    And here_s an associated link for best places to live:��

  • The State of Confusion.
    The State of Denial.

  • St. Louis, Missouri has the honor of being the most dangerous city in 2006.

  • deteroit ,mich., cleveland, ohio, compton,ca,

  • St. Louis MO is the most dangerous city to live.

  • The state of denial. Causes endless problems. Face up to reality.

  • I heard Philadelphia can be bad...
  • What is the terrain like between Eugene OR and Redding CA?|139066

    I am from the east coast and am planning a bike trip for a few days...and was wondering basically how hilly or mountainous is it? and anyother descriptions would be helpful...Thanks!

  • You must know about this area already because those two cities perfectly mark the mountainous area
    along the I-5 corridor. Hilly, you bet, with long stretches each of ups and downs. Stone beautiful.
  • What areas in Texas have a large german -american population?|149285

    I was just wondering about what cities and towns in Texas have a large german-american population.

  • New Braunfels is the town im sure your thinking of that is predominantley german

  • in late october / early november, Wurstfest happens. the german festival. beer and sausage and omas and opas ...

  • >>>


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