Personally, I_ve been working fast food all of my life and it_s like I_m always around high school kids and I never get to meet a guy who is a businessman, lawyer, doctor, etc, and has a college education. I also recently just graduated from college and looking for jobs. I just want to know will I meet a nice and well, educated guy in my line of work?
when you start working a corporate jobFirst of all, stop looking for men while you_re working. In your spare time go to museums, art exhibits, theatre, and seminars. Culture yourself. Find things that interest you so that when you do meet someone you can carry a conversation intelligently. Men, (especially white collar) love intelligent women. They can also spot posers in an instant. So always be honest and never be embarrassed by your line of employment. Men find that even if the job isn_t so hot your attitude can be. They will respect you for your honesty. You could also try enrolling in some computer classes to find a better job. Good luck honey.find a job wherever they are and you_ll meet one. Too bad I can_t ask you a question because I_m Blasian and I_m a businessman. If you_re ever in Oakland or S.F...........