I see you are looking for a city that depends on tourism,so you can have your business.Well, you asked the right guy.I might be a redneck from Mississippi but I sure know a lot about America and have been to every one of the 50 states.
In your case the best cities for y_all would be Orlando, Florida and Branson, Missouri.Orlando is the busiest city in the state of Florida and attracts many tourists and families.Many little businesses thrive thanks to the many,many tourists that caome to Florida.
Branson, Missouri is another wonderfull excellnt choice. I live in St. Louis Missouri and go down to Branson about 2 times a year. A small but tourist packed town because all of the parks and shows and attractions.The third biggest tourist attracted city in the nation. I think many families and kids would love to go to a museum full of live tarantulas and reptiles.
A bounus about living in Branson is the low cost of living. Great communities and houses and apartments that don_t cost much.
Branson is also a great atmosphere in which to raise children,because you never have to go out of town to have A LOT of fun.
I hoped i helped your decision about where to move.