Step 1: take the Airtrain from the terminal to Jamaica Station. Please listen for the announcement _Station D: Jamaica Station._
Step 2: at Jamaica Station, purchase a $5 MetroCard from the MetroCard Vending Machine, and exit the Airtrain system into Jamaica Station. The $5 will be deducted from the MetroCard, when exiting the Airtrain system.
Step 3: Once thought turnstile (faregate), follow the directional signs to the Long Island Railroad. Purchase you_re LIRR ticket from the ticket machines on the pedestrian bridge overlooking the platform. An off peak ticket from Jamaica Station to Penn Station is $5.25. If you_re arriving on a weekends, you can purchase a CityTicket for $3.25.
Once you purchase your ticket, look at the display board on the pedestrian bridge for the train heading to Penn Station. It will display the platform or track number the train will be arriving on. Westbound trains pull in on platform 1, 2 or 3.
I hope this information is very helpful.
Good luck
E subway from Jamaica to Penn Station ($2)
You can also take the AirTrain in the other direction, to Howard Beach station, and then the A subway into Manhattan, but that takes longer than the E.
Total cost $7, or $19 when you add in the NJTransit piece of your trip.
The LIRR, as described in other answers, is faster but slightly more expensive.
The other way is to take a yellow cab. It will take an hour to Penn station depending on traffic and will cost $50 plus tip.
Train from JFK that connects to the A train which takes you directly to Penn Station.
Looks like $5 for the Airtrain, and $2 for the A.
(Unless that $5 includes your ride on the A, but I don_t think it does.)
Use this to figure out length of time from JFK to Penn Station:
Best of luck!
Two main options. To start, take the AirTrain from JFK to Jamaica. From there, two options:
-E subway, $2, but takes more time.
-Long Island Rail Road, takes about 20 minutes, but costs more. For _peak_ trains arriving at Penn station between 6 AM and 10 AM on weekdays, it_s $7.25. For _off-peak_ weekday trains (all other times), it_s $5.25. But on Saturday and Sunday, you can get _CityTicket_ for $3.25.;��
take the air train to the A subway line (or the E line), and that will take you strait there, and u did it in under 10 bucks