Hi Folks,
I plan on moving to NYC in May with my partner. We would like to rent a 2-bed room place in Manhattan (below 34th St). Besides the obvious expenses, such as brokers_ fee, deposit, monthly rent and electricity/gas, what are the other expenses we need to be aware of, so we can budget wisely? Thank you.
If you can afford a 2 bedroom as a newcomer to this city and living in Manhattan I don_t think you_ll have to worry about budgeting--you must be doing fine.
In all seriousness though, there really isn_t anything that you would have to specifically budget for here that you wouldn_t have to in any other city.
Good luck and welcome.Food costs more. Drinks cost more. Movies cost more. Restaurants cost more. Etc.Taxes are wack.I don_t know if you are just referring to moving expenses or daily living expenses but here are other items to consider overall:
-metrocard for the subway and buses
-extra money for those times you don_t want to take public transportation and you opt for a taxi (which is getting very expensive)
-food budget (more if you eat out)
have fun..NYC is a great placeCable
Phone Line or Cell Phone (depends on preference)
Internet (if applicable)
CommutingLaundry, whether you spend your time in the laundromat or use a drop off place. Groceries cost more in the city and supermarkets have a smaller selection of products,( most aisles are only wide enough for one shopping cart) Prices at fast food places are a bit higher than out of town.
Good LuckWell, if you plan to have a car in NYC, parking only costs about $450.00 _ up per month, Plus outrageous gasoline prices (there are very few gas stations in NYC) and car insurance is rediculous. Honestly most NY_ers don_t have cars .....