The people I meet who have lived in New York City all their lives seem to have an attitude. It reminds me of the movie Taxi Driver where the main charactor says, _you talking to me?_
What is it with this New York attitude? It is real and it is brash. It is cocky and aburpt! Is there an historical background. I would like to know more about it.
New York is crowded. And really, that_s all there is to it. When you have to force your way through crowds of people everyday, you develop a bit of an attitude. It_s easier to get annoyed with people when you deal with hundreds every day.
But, NY_ers also develop a certain repore that comes from being around so many people. Ask a NY_er directions, and they will be happy to help. Anyone that isn_t is simply just a rude person, it has nothing to do with the city. Someone from the city is more likely to strike up a conversation with a stranger then someone from a small town. In my hometown, in OK, if you just started talking to someone you didn_t know, you would be considered a creep. However, in NY, I always talk to a stranger on the subway; maybe they have a guitar and I play, they have on a shirt for a show I like, maybe we_re just on the same train.
NY_ers are labeled as _rude,_ but it_s possible that we act with everyone the way a person would act with a close friend. If the friend annoys us, we snap at them. But if they need help, we_re here.Whaddya mean attitude? Everyday is an adventure here. Occasionally we have to keep tress passers out of our space.
Have you ever found your wet laundry sitting on the table or in a tub while someone else is using the dryer that you paid for?When you live in a crowded city with many diverse nationalities and backgrounds, it can get a bit hectic. It_s survival of the fittest at times.