Children under 3 are free.
There are some great hotels directly across the street from Disneyland -- literally within walking distance (5 to 10 minutes from room to Main Street):
Best Western Park Place Inn��
Literally the closest
Park Vue Inn��
Next to the Best Western
Camelot Inn _ Suites��
A popular choice...
Carousel Inn��
Hope that helps!
Check out the location below:��
Some hotels offer tickets, but you don_t get any sort of big discount. As already mentioned, your 1YO is free. I also recommend for buying tickets, you can have them sent to you in the mail. I_ve done this many times... it works great and you don_t have to stand an hour in the ticket line at the park.
Have fun!
Tip: Call 714-781 DINE to make reservations for Carnation Cafe. They have a great PBJ which kids love, and it keeps them busy for about 20 minutes... building it, then eating it.
They sell park tickets, possible in a package.
They_re cheap and directly across the street from Disneyland. About a 5 minute walk to the front gate.
There are many family hotels by Disneyland, try
If you belong to AAA, they always have the best deals.
Safeway also sells park-hoppers.