Friday, February 27, 2009

What ski town in New Mexico caters best to budget-minded families with kids?|197414

I_d like to drive there from Houston over Christmas break for a few days in the snow for my snow-deprived children. But I_m a teacher so we_re not rich, and only the man in my life is any good at skiing. So something with some nice tame slopes would be good, too.

Any suggestions?

  • Yes, go to the state of New Mexico Department of Tourism or just start by _Googling_ (toolbar) New Mexico ski areas/resorts/skiing/etc
    sounds fun, I_m envious! ha
  • How long does it take to get from Washington state to California driving?|119023

    We live in Tacoma And we want to get to anaheim

  • A little over 16 and 1/2 hours.
    Look here:;_ylc=X3oDMTExNmIy��

  • From my experience it took about 20 hrs with minimal stops only about 3 or 4 stops for gas but one of the ppl driving wouldn_t go over 60 mph

  • I live in California, and I have family from Spokane that drive here, so I think it takes a few days.
    Actually, it depends on if you make stops or other things like that, so time varies


  • If you leave really early (6:00 a.m.) you can make it to Redding, California by 8:00 p.m. You_ll hit some traffic in Olympia and then again in Portland and Salem, Oregon - once you get past Salem you won_t have much traffic until you head up the Siskiyou Mountains in Southern Oregon (it_s mostly truck traffic and snow/ice issues). You_ll be pretty tired by the time you get to Redding, so spend the night and leave really early the next morning and you_ll get into Anaheim about 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. the next night. You_ll have some traffic issues around Sacramento and LA.

    It_s a good drive - you_ll see some beautiful countryside in the Napa Valley.
  • What is the legal age a teen can leave home in hawaii?|192068

    Does anyone know? I heard it was 17 in texas, ohio, and other states.

    but what about hawaii? I_ve checked everywhere, and couldn_t find the answer someone please help!

  • You may legally emancipate yourself at the age of sixteen. You have to prove you can clothe, feed and shelter yourself. The other option is to become one of the many teen runaways living on the street.

  • as soon as a person is able to run on their legs, they are free to run away. nobody cares if they want to throw away their lives. go ahead and quit school. nobody is going to lose a minute of sleep over this. ruin your life , your future, your health, just so you can be free from your _lame_ and _uncool_ parents and family...michael jackson has died, so nothing else matters what you want. this world is crap

  • Leave home and never come back????? Prolly between the ages of 16-20
  • >>>


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