Want to travel with a dog and physically impaired child to the grand canyon. We want to drive it and see as much as possible, not hike it! Any ideas, we are coming from Florida and are heading to LA, planning 2 or 3 days for the GC.
I suggest www.nps.gov/grca. They will have all the info about the national park for you. Also check out www.grandcanyon.com.
Hope it helps.get a handicapped pass at the entrance..you can drive where the buses go behind all the gates (they give you the code). dogs can go anywhere on the paths. With a service dog vest/collar the dog can go anywhere inside too.
Make sure you have your medical conditions to present at the gate, you will drive anywhere you want to and see everything you want to see too.
Ask for the handic\apped access guide and ask for a free access card for handicapped good in any federal park.