My daughters are 8 and 13. We_ve bought a house in California right next to the beach. Honestly, how safe is it for them to run there alone?
Where we live now in Brunei, we live 20 mins from the beach. It is safe enough for even young kids to run there together without adults. Is it the same in California?
We_re a little more protective of kids here in California. Generally, things are pretty safe. But the media grabs hold of the rare instance where a child is abducted by a stranger, and EVERYONE reacts by never letting their kids out of their sight at anytime.
My youngest is about 8, and we go camping in a town called Carpinteria, which is very family-oriented. We let her run around with her friends, but we have her carry a small two-way radio. We_ll probably get here a cell phone soon, though. We feel comfortable in Carpinteria. However, we would never let her run around in Venice Beach. So it really depends where in California your home is. My guess is that you bought a home in a very nice area, so you can probably let them run around a bit.In this day and age, I don_t care where you are, I would NOT let my children go alone - not to the beach, not to the library, not to the restroom, not anywhere. Especially the 8 year old. (And the 13 year old only if she_s with a large group of friends.) You just don_t know what can happen _ this is one of the things where I believe: some things are just not worth the risk!
I don_t mean to be an alarmist, but I don_t think we can be too cautious with out children. I sincerely hope you find this helpful!You should ALWAYS accompany your kids at the beach. YOu must ALWAYS go with them and keep an eye on them, you never know what could happen.