Please give some examples (some words both pronounce differently, or some terminology) to illustrate the difference. As I understand it, Drew Carey has the perfect Ohio accent; and a lot of northern Californians have the perfect Californian accent. But to my ear (of a native of NJ), I do not notice ANYTHING different between the accents. They both sound like the standard American accent.
about 9 years ago I visited LA for a week. Just being a touist. In the 5 days I was there I had 3 people say _You_re from Ohio aren_t you_ When I asked them how they knew, they all told me it was by my accent. I didn_t realize then and still don_t realize we have an accent. Maybe down in Southern Ohio, but not up here in NE Ohio. But I guess I was / am wrong. I don_t really hear any difference betwen me, a Pittsburgh guy, or Buffalo guy or Ft. Wayne guy, ect, but at least 3 people in LA could tell I was from Ohio.Soda vs. Pop, it_s slight differences in phrases. Ohio and California don_t have much in the way of differences in accent. Most of us require differences as noticable as Minnesota and Louisiana to hear. I however have had the ability to live all over this country and can hear the differences in them.I didn_t know there was a difference!