will you be living on your own? How will you support yourself?
I am assuming you don_t have a job waiting for you here, so will need a load of cash or a sugar daddy.
Do you know anyone in NY? if yes ask them if you can move in with them for 2 or 3 months untill you get on your feet. Unless you want to be homeless make sure you get a place to move in before you come and a job.
Then you will need between 800+/month for rent (depends on which part you move to not including Manhattan)
Have you ever been to NY or you just heard about it? Do your research about the city and think very hard about it. Don_t just pack up and leave.
don_t worry about the accent everyone in NY has their own accent because they are from all over the world. people in NY live fast and hard.
Expect to work hard, sleep late, cry when it snows,eat the best food ever, to be pack like sardines on the subway, half your money to go for rent and the best( or the worst) time of your life.
People come here from all over the world; many love it; for others it_s an experience and they end up somewhere else. You certainly don_t need to be from a surrounding state to have a good experience in NY! That_s silly.
It sounds like you_re either planning on going to college here, or some kind of professional school, so you have a reason to come. Yes, I agree -- you should do research about where and how you_re going to live -- but thousands of young people come here every year and don_t die in the streets.
It_s enormously different from California, of course, in the ways that people answering are saying. But I find it a huge adjustment to be in California, so it goes both ways.
The comment about _Californian tourists_ is rude, irrelevant and untrue in my experience. People for California are a lot like people: Some are great; some are not.
New York is one of the most exciting places in the world. As I said, you should definitely do a LOT of research about finding a place to live here, and if you have a friend or relative who already lives here and can help, that would be great. Also, if you can visit before you actually move here and get a feel for at least a part of the city, that would be really helpful too. But I hope curmudgeons like enterreality don_t discourage you. You_re young. This is when you_re allowed to have adventures, right?
a big life change.
it definitly depends on what kind of person you are.
california is laid back, relaxed lifestyle, alot of the same kind of people, and has nice weather.
new york is a different world....its hectic _ busy, tons of ppl. the weather will probably be a shock, you_ll definitly get a taste of snow and winter(big change) and overall the ppl are different, most are fast paced and determined. some say stuck up and serious. new york is also filled with people from all over the globe _ a melting pot_. but there is so much opportunity there.
i think it will definitly be a experience for you, even if you stay there or not, dont expect it to be anything like california. but give it a chance.
If you can_t answer yes to at least one of the following questions, I strongly discourage you from moving to NY:
Were you born or raised here or in a nearby state such as Pennsylvania, Connecticut or New Jersey? You said you were from California, so we all know what the answer to that question is.
Do you have any family or friends that live here?
Do you have a job that_s forcing you to live in/near NY?
Just another note I want to make: From my 75 years of experience, Californian tourists generally tend to be annoying as hell. That was true when I was much younger and still the same now.
New York (city) is much more denser than any city in cali...