My husband and I are not in the best of health, and won_t be able to hike trails no matter how hard we might train. We will be going in the spring, flying in and out of Las Vegas. Any and all information beyond what is on the official site is welcome.
If you leave Las Vegas in the morning heading for GCNP [about 5 hours _ get gas in Kingman ] I would spend 2 nights in the Park and one night in St George UT
When you leave GCNP use the Desert View exit , downhill on SR 64 to the jct of US 89 @ Cameron AZ ,get gas
North on US 89 past the US 89 A turn-off
Up the switchbacks to the scenic overlook on the left
Do the over look _Just awesome even by AZ standards
Back down the switch backs
Make a right on US 89A _
Cross The Colorado on the New Navajo Bridge��
Make a right following signs for Lees Ferry
Do that and dip your toes in the Rio
Back to 89A Make a right and go up and over the top of the North Rim of GCNP
to Kanab UT where you meet US 89 once again
To the junction of SR 9 at Mount Carmel Junction UT
Downhill to and thru Zion NP and then onto St George
Safe trip
From Ashfork to Hurricane you will be above 5000_
The S.Rim is at 7000 , the N.Rim is about 1000 feet higher
Know that if you do hit snow , you can get out of it by getting below 5-6000_
Enjoy the Canyon
From St George UT to LAS is a short fast _2 hour trip that begins a fast curvy descent of the always spectacular Virgin River Gorge��