Saturday, March 1, 2008

How come we never see out of state people going to Detroit Michigan?|166323

But when I live in San Diego we saw cars from all over the country driving in and around San Diego. How come no one wants to go the the 3rd world city of Detroit?

  • Because the word on the streets about detroit is that it is the #1 poorest city in the USA and also that the crime rate is very high. aslo there isnt much to do , they dont have any beaches and stuff. and i heard it was very ugly and dirty, well thats waht i hear about Detroit.

  • When the residents care about their city tourists will. Right now it_s a dump.

  • Have you been there? It_s pretty clear if you have.

  • Sand Diego has draw. People want to go to the beach, enjoy the sun, check out the city, etc.

    Detriot has a very limited draw, bad weather, and some PR problems it needs to take care of.

    I am from the D, but I understand why everyone goes to Chicago instead.

  • Detroit just isn_t a popular tourist destination. San Diego is.
  • What other activities are there in Key Largo?|165256

    Other than snorkeling and scuba. I_m planning to spend about 4 days there in August.

    I_m an active person who likes exciting activities. I don_t mean restaurants and night clubs.

    Physical stuff.


    This website has everything about all of the Florida Keys

  • then dont stay in key largo it is wicked boring go to south beach where the action is
  • How much does it cost to move to another state.?|164587

    I currently live in Colorado and am looking to move to Utah. I realize that I will need a few months rent saved, but what other costs are involved to move to another state close by. I will graduate college in one year and am looking to get out of the armpit of Colorado.

  • figure in getting your electric turned on and cable (if you want it) and all of your living needs like plates food towels chairs tv and so on but as far as renting a apartment you will usually need 2 months rent down and a credit check getting mail is like 50$ a year and to change your id and if you have a car to that state im not sure what that would cost its diferent for every state so go to that states dmv web site and check it out so just find a apartment and plan on spending 4 times that the first month and its always a good idea to have an extra few grand just incase you dont find a job right away
  • >>>


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