How early do you need to stake out a spot at the KC Shakespeare in the Park at Southmoreland park? We want to take a picnic and make a night of it, but have kids and can_t come too early. Would 7:00 be too late to get a decent seat if the show starts at 8:00?
I went to the show tonight and arrived around 7 and we were able to sit in the front row of the _chair section._ It was also just a Tuesday night and I imagine it makes a difference on what night you go. Even if you go on a more crowded night, there didn_t seem to be a whole lot of _bad_ seats. If I were to go again, I wouldn_t show up until 7:00 myself, if that helps at all.You might want to come at 6:30. Seats fill up fast sometimes. Some people come an hour early to sit