Every person has different tastes, budgets, and lifestyle. Some people may spend 10k over 5 days, and some people could probably get away with 10$ a day. It really depends how much you gamble also, and what you want to do.
A good ball park figure is 100$/day. This is obviously on top of your hotel, flights, and other set costs. 100$ a day can cover food, some light gambling, and maybe transportation and other minor costs.
Outside of gambling, the biggest way people waste money in vegas is by spening too much money on food. The key is to have a big, cheap breakfast. Fill up on a 10$ buffet and you will be good until dinner. And then just by a sandwich or something. Why spend all that extra money on a fancy dinner when you are probably going to be drunk anyway.
Venetian has great restaurants, sites, shopping, and a nice pool.