This Summer has been one f the hottist,we_vee been over a 100 almost every day. Now its been finally going down. Although i do like the heat, but when will it start getting cold enough to wear a jacket and pants everyday? i know it will already be cold before christmas gets here even though Winter doesn_tt start till the 21st of December this year. but when can i expect it to start getting cold?
It starts to cool down toward the end of October, but doesn_t get seriously chilly until January, which has an average daily temp of 49.3 degrees, and usually at least a few days below the freezing mark.
You_ll have a few chances to wear your jacket in November and December, but unfortunately San Antonio only has two real seasons: Summer and January. ;)Actually, it has been a pretty average summer for Texas, no matter where in the state you are. The summer of 1980 was far worse. _84 was all water rationing and the like, and blistering hot. (I worked construction for a whopping four weeks in San Antonio that year.)
When does it get cold? It cools off in October, and after Thanksgiving you_ll probably start wearing a jacket.Actually, San Antonio has 4 seasons......summer, summer, winter and winter.Typically mid-december to january. And it won_t be gradual, you_ll walk outside and it_ll be a freezer.If you_re looking for FREEZING cold,then that will happen between December- January.