I dunno for sure, this is only from what I_ve seen.
I have a friend from the north of the US who seems to really just not like those from the South. I_ve also seen Southerners show similar rivalry towards Northerners.
people from the south have more extreme views whilst people from the north are very liberal..
that makes them different and somewhat competitive
Hope ive answered your question:):)i have lived in North Carolina for the past 10 years and I can tell you that many people in NC are still fighting the civil war (although now it has nothing to do with slavery, states rights, etc.) - it_s just that the rivalry is left over. In the grand scale of things the civil war was not that long ago.I don_t know but people need to just grow up.You never heard of the Mason-Dixon line?Same way in Sicily, Lebanon, and the USA. Even in England. Have heard old stories that it is the difference in latitude. Maybe that is the basis of this belief and belief in so many different parts of the world. Maybe it is the Sun. But it might be something else never mentioned. The natural insularization of communities. Now that is something to consider. I did not dream it up. Someone on this site mentioned it to me months ago and it stuck. I felt like she might have a good point. That is exactly how you get so many different looking monkeys in South America. A natural barrier occurs like a river splitting and cutting off interaction with the old tribe, then they take on subtle differences through breeding and different needs. Same monkeys but after a century they have differences.
Now they bark at each other from across the river. This is a real and documentated account.I used to live in Virgnia for a while and it seemed like people there thought there was some rivalry but I_ve lived in the North most of my life and I can_t say that people give much thought at all to any kind of rivalry with the South.I will be blunt with you. It has to do with the fact the South lost the civil war and Slaves were set free.I think it just narrow minded BS... Hateful people are going to find a reason to dislike someone or something. I would really like to hear a logical reason why someone likes or dislikes the north / south.being a southerner, and in my oppinion.....strictly my oppinion, most of the folks in the north are pompus assholes.....which, they think we are retarded so.....lol, nah, I love everybody!!!you can trace it back to the Civil War. Some idiots in the South have the gall to defend their side even to this day. Whatever.
It goes beyond that now , mostly running along political lines, with the South being full of a lot of brain washed Fundamentalist conservatives, and the North being blessed with some of the great minds and liberal thinkers, particularly in Massachusetts.
But then, I am from California, where we have our own North South thing going on. I am from the Bay Area, Northern California. Home of the University of California at Berkeley.
Lady Morgana )0(This is a pretty common thing in many countries around the world.. People take pride in their local region and consider their culture superior to other regions around the country... This create sort of a competition for power... Basically its pride..
But bring in an outside enemy and you will see the south and the north sticking together as Americans.. They only rival against each other within the house... the beautiful thing is that they put their American identify before anything else..Well the states I don_t know about too well, but as regards the uk I feel qualified to broach mho (my humble opinion)
Most of my adult life I have lived in the capital (south) though brought up and bred from middle/northern stock. There are actually some very valid reasons for the percieved differences of the two sides and their behaviours with regard to each other
The differences in the uk are real and display in the names of places as well. Basically the south is the celtic tribes iceni brigantes etc and the north are much more heavily dominated by viking/scandinavian stock. The northern folk tend to be very blunt and straightforward. as it is often colourfully put, in the north they always call a spade a shovel.
In the south they would give it a posher name much of the time, viz spade, digging implement,manure manipulator, etc.
North of a certain line you will be told exactly what the guy/gal you are talking to you thinks - in the south they will fudge the issue and try to avoid it it is the place where lieing becomes being parsimonious/sparing with the truth. In the north it is a LIE or a Damned LIE there is nothing inbetween.
I imagine that other continental and country divides are equally silly and inconsequential, and when push comes to shove - (don_t you just love these northern expressions?) when national issues raise their head these regional differences become meaningless.