Friday, August 13, 2010

What should I do in Austin during the day in February?|158846

I have a friend coming into town that has never been to Austin, we are in our 20s and besides the oasis and Mt Bonnell I can_t think of anywhere else to take him, any ideas?

  • What about the state capital building? It is unique to the city and rather interesting. Zilker Botanical Gardens is also nice.

    Not to sound stupid, but what is the oasis? And Mt Bonnell?

  • Jennalee - Thanks for the andwers to my questions!

  • Go to the Alamo and Riverwalk for a day trip. Go to Salt Lick Barbecue. There_s some caverns worth seeing in New Braunfels. Also if you don_t mind a drive, there_s an awesome Pioneer Museum (living museum) towards Houston. My sister and I went there with the kids after going on a factory tour of Blue Bell Ice Cream - it was a memorable day. Oh, and the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Park is wonderful too.
  • How long does a typical Mardi Gras parade take to reach downtown?|142800

    I was just curious on how long a parade takes from it_s start time to reach downtown and it_s terminus. For example, if a parade start at the typical location uptown at 4:15pm about what time should it be arriving on Canal St in downtown? We are staying downtown near Canal and Magazine and were wondering about how long the parades take to reach that area after they begin.

  • The other answers are correct and a parade that is scheduled to start at 4:15pm should get to Canal Street between 7:00pm and 7:30pm.

    You are almost certainly asking about the Endymion parade. It is one of the longest parades so the _tail_ of the parade will leave the formation area at about the time the head reaches downtown. You won_t miss it.

    That also means the parade will be on Canal Street for almost two hours. If you want to watch it all you won_t be done until after 9:00pm. Another option would be to make reservations for 9:00pm, watch the parade until about 8:30pm, and then go to dinner. Be sure you can get from your spot on the parade route to the restaurant ___ without having to cross the route ___. Ask the restaurant for suggestions.

    All of the parades in New Orleans now (post-Katrina) start uptown on Napoleon Avenue, which is the _formation area_ and is about 4 miles from Canal Street.

    Parades almost always start 15 to 30 minutes late and it will move at a slow walking pace with several stops. 7:30pm is a realistic time for the _head_ of the parade to reach Canal Street.

    Carnival this year is very early and the size of the crowds cannot be predicted right now. If it appears the parades are well attended you need to take your _spot_ on the route well before the parade arrives if you want to be up front. If that is not so important to you it is OK to wait until the parade_s arrival is imminent to go to the parade route.

    Finally, the absolute top problems for everyone during Carnival are traffic and parking. If you drive here or rent a car, PLEASE park your car in a lot or garage and leave it there for the duration of your visit (unless you travel well away from the city center and any parade routes (remember there are parades in the suburbs).

    Hope you have a great time!

  • About 1 1/2 hr to 2 hrs., except for parades like Endymion, Bacchus, and Rex, which may be longer.

  • If all goes well I think that it should arrive at around 7:30,hope this helped

  • that is a qusetion that has many answers, it can take anywhere from 2 and 1\2 to about 5 and 1\2 hours on an average so many things come in to play that affect this factor.
    here are a few things that can make the time change (rain, how many bands a parade has, break downs, accidents) your best bet is to eat early and find a resturant that you can walk to and from where you want to watch the paraide and back and if you get hungry i would just grab a lil bite after. and don_t try to drive to a resturant because there is no way you will ever get back in time the traffic is just too bad
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