Monday, November 16, 2009

How can i get married in North County San Diego fast and cheap?|169756

Is there a way you can get married fast and cheap, Then have a big wedding later?

  • yes go to the County Recorder_s office in San Marcos, cheap and quick!. . . or there is always Vegas!!

  • There is not much you can do fast or cheap in North county San Deigo

  • Marry in haste; repent in leisure.

  • Drive to Vegas...it_s not that far, easy and convenient.

  • there is a chapel at the barona casino. or just look online.

  • There is a wedding chapel on Vista Way in Vista. It is west of Emerald and east of College. You can see it from Hwy. 76 on the north side of the highway. A lot of Marines from the base get married there.
  • Better City to visit during the summer and why?|164996

    I_m planning on visiting either Boston, Washington D.C. or Los Angeles during the summer. If you could choose which city to visit and why what city would you choose within the three choices. If you can list pros and cons to visiting the cities.

  • Nice places to visit in summer (sorry, but your list is limiting you. Visit LA in spring or fall, it is way too hot in the summer.):

    1. Vancouver, BC, Canada. GREAT city. Lots of everything, and in 2010 that will include the Olympics. Mountains on one side and ocean coast on the other. A short ferry away is scenic and huge Vancouver Island. Lots of trees and incredibly pretty for a large metropolis. Best places to go: Commercial Drive, Gastown, Yaletown, Vancouver Island, lots and lots more. Just avoid the Downtown Eastside, it is where all the drugs are.
    2. Chicago, IL, USA. I love Chicago. A tad expensive, but lots of great things to do. Hundreds of concerts and stuff, theatres, and Navy Pier is amazing at night and usually has shows.
    3. I guess Boston. Or DC. Or Baltimore. Or all of them at once in a gigantic amazing New England Trip. There_s an idea.

  • Boston is nice in the summer time, in fact the rest of the year is too cold

    DC is also very nice in the summer,
    lots to do in both cities

    never been to LA

    Since I live in the Boston Area, I would chosse DC, only because I have been to Boston so many times. But you really can_t go wrong with either

    DC and Boston both have lots of museums, historical sites, shopping, restaurants, and nearby beaches.

  • Boston is the prettiest of those cities, and has more historic sights than the others.

    The main attraction in Washington is its museums.

    If you want a visit that focuses on a modern city rather than on museums or history, I would go to Los Angeles, which has many interesting neighborhoods, great restaurants, music and art scenes, fashion, design, and tremendous cultural diversity. But don_t go to Los Angeles for a standard tourist vacation - there are few real _sights_ and places like Hollywood and Beverly Hills are boring tourist traps.

  • I would go to DC there are so many museums to see that it could take days and they are all free
  • How can you get from Villanova to the Tower Theater in Upper Darby?|189743

    I know it_s possible to use the R5 and go into Philly and then back out but is there a faster way using the buses or another route? Thanks.

  • The SEPTA Route 100 Trolley runs from Norristown to the 69th Street Terminal in Upper Darby, which is a very short block from the Tower Theater. There is a stop in Villanova, though I am not certain where it is.

  • Well that sure worked out well - have fun!

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