Monday, July 19, 2010

What would be a good place around Cincinnati to take some arty nude pics outdoors?|186911

I want to take some tasteful pics of nude model(s) around a car, around Cincinnati this weekend outside in the sun. So i have to be able to drive there and get a few minutes without being seen. Any suggestions?

  • It would depend on what you want for a background. I would suggest a park, but then you have a problem with the _without being seen_ part, which leads to the police showing up. Since you want to use a car, that means you can_t take a bit of a hike either.

    Also, I think it might be a wee bit chilly to do that this weekend. It only getting to the 60s. That might be fine when your clothed, but this is Cincy, and it can be nippy when the wind blows...

    Good luck.

  • Go out to Hueston Woods. There are a lot of small places you can pull over and park in this state park, which have no cars in them even at the crowded time of year. And of course, many of them are pretty given that they are in a state park. This is not the crowded time of year, the place will be nearly deserted. There are rangers though, so you_d better be fast.

  • obamas house.
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