Saturday, July 24, 2010

How do you get into the hottest clubs in Los Angeles? Does it cost a lot to get in and if so how much?|170458

I am 20 years old and living in Los Angeles and next year I_ll be able to go to 21+ clubs, but I was wondering: how do you get into the hottest clubs in LA? Does it cost a lot to get in? How much does it cost to get in?

  • Los Angeles_ straight hipsters follow a very simple maxim: Just go where all the gay people are.

    The best clubs are in their natural habitats any way: Santa Monica, West L.A., West Hollywood, and Hollywood. And there_s some truth to the idea that the homosexuals know what_s _hot_ and what_s _not_.

    A quick browse through the L.A. Weekly will basically confirm my point. Most of the places they recommend are mixed venues (with both straight and gay patrons).

    Cover charges in L.A. aren_t too bad... usually $10 - $20. Most clubs make their profit when you drink rather than with an admission fee. That_s why they don_t do more 18+ nights (they lose a lot of money).

    Dress code is the same as Vegas: Smart Casual. Unless you_re _somebody_ (they always let celebrities in)... you probably won_t get away with sneakers, jeans, shorts, t-shirts, and tanks.

    If there_s a guest list, you can pretty much guarantee you_ll get in by being on it. Sometimes, that means shelling out far more money though (for a _club membership_ or _VIP Priority_...or some other soothing label).

  • It helps to be on some kind of guestlist. You can check the club_s websites for this info. If you can arrive early to clubs; there won_t be many people there... but the cover charge will be less, if they even have one. The most i ever paid for cover is $20. Drinks on the other hand can get ridiculous; which shoud be more of a concern instead of cover price. If you have the time and money you_d have a better time in Vegas in my opinion.

  • My suggestion to you is that you never EVER stand in line. It is a waste of time and it makes you look desperate. You can generally get on any list by knowing the promoter. How do you get to know the promoter, you ask? Well, of course, by perusing Myspace. Every promoter who likes to make money has a Myspace page and will eagerly add any hot girl or guy to his/her VIP guest list. Just search the names of clubs you want to go to on Myspace and the profile of the promoter of that club will more than likely show up. Also, you might just ask your friends, your friends friends, older siblings, siblings friends, coworkers, whoever if they know anyone who works at ________ club. Everyone knows someone who is a promoter/bartender/barback/bouncer in LA. Also, remember that the _hot clubs_ are generally those that haven_t been toted in the tabloids yet. Once celebrities check these places out, they get crowded, then the celebrities don_t return and the club goes down...the endless cycle in LA. Sooo, I would suggest trying to get into the places that have just opened to good reviews, places with name DJs and who are noted for good drink prices, not just the ones Paris Hilton frequents. Hope this helps!

  • you pretty much have to dress up if you want to get in. Girls might be easier to get in. If you_re on the list, then it_ll be easier for you to get in. May be if you_re waiting for the first time, just be friendly with the bouncer and slip tip so next time when you go, he_ll remember you and let u in without having stay in line.
    have fun!!
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