Saturday, April 3, 2010

What would you guestimate the percentage of middle class people in san francisco usually is? details below?|113725

i have heard san fran is pretty much made up of rich and poor people. Not much in between. However, i have heard middle class people from the suburbs usually leave their towns/cities to come to san fran to party, go to events, whatever. Since its supposed to be so diverse, will i fit in well as a middle class citizen there?

  • _Rich_ is the middle class in San Francisco. What I mean by that is the average middle class person in San Francisco may earn much more than the average middle class person in another part of the country and appear _rich_ but they live a similar lifestyle. Aside from that, most San Franciscans aren_t very classist so you_ll fit in as far as income. Many San Franciscans are political/social snobs so depending on your personal views you may or may not fit in.

  • Most of the people I know and work with might be considered middle class. Definitely not rich (by SF standards), but not living in poverty.

    It would be hard to determine, since the SF statistics are skewed by (a) it being an expensive city to live in and (b) the high wages paid.

    That being said, nobody really cares what your class is.
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