Monday, February 1, 2010

What is the best island to visit in hawii, and what activities are essential to do?|159910

im taking a vacation there, and i have no idea where to start.

  • My favorite is the Big Island. As the name implies, it_s the largest of all the Hawaiian islands. Because people are spread out across more land area, the Big Island feels way less crowded than any of the others I_ve visited.

    Another reason I like this island the best is because there are so many different facets to it. You can start off on the dry, windy Kona side of the island. In a few hours, you can be in a misty tropical forest on the east Hilo side of the island. If you drive to the top of the mountains in the center of the island, you can actually see snow! It has black sand beaches, green sand beaches, white sand beaches. Pasture lands. Desert. It_s crazy how many eco-systems are on this island!

    A big selling point is that it_s the only island that has actively erupting volcanoes. You can do a night hike and, using binoculars, see the glowing orange lava.

    Snorkeling and hiking are my two favorite things to do in Hawaii. The Captain Cook monument has some of the best snorkeling I_ve seen!

    Big Island!!!!

  • Maui because you can take nice hikes and go snorkeling.
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