You can look on Craigslist for Alaska whereever you are, but it hasn_t seemed to me to have nearly as many listing as the Anchorage Daily News, Fairbanks Miner or (Kenai) Peninsula Clarion in their classified ads. Check if they have there classified on line.
In addition to new car dealers having newer used trucks on their lots, there are many used car lots in all those cities as well.
Yes, some are all rusted out, but those are usually sold with a sign (_$200_) in the window rather than through a dealer.
In SE AK (Juneau, Ketchikan, Sitka, Petersburg, the market is a little tighter because you can_t drive there and the smaller towns have no factory dealers. But you can drive a car on the ferry in Bellingham and off in any of those towns, so there are reasonable ways to get a car to town.
Rural, off-the-road-system Alaska is tough. Unless you fly a car in, it has to come in on the yearly barge. Either way is expensive and people keep really ugly cars running a long time because of it. It also creates a strange market since there are X people in town and Y cars and those numbers don_t change much. One car crash and another with a bad trannie and suddenly there aren_t enough cars to go around.
It is probably cheaper to buy a truck and drive it in if you compare the combined costs of airfare (for you), shipping your stuff, and buying a truck. But just for the truck - if you can drive there, the local cost won_t be much higher than in the 48 states.
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