For your other question, it all depends what city in Dade County you are moving in to and what type of place you want to live in, for example, condo, house, etc. South Beach is in Miami Beach which is right next to Miami, just a bridge away. There_s inexpensive places to live in South Beach and the rest of Miami Beach as well as expensive. I would recommend just googling around, or going to craigslist or contacting a realtor, it all really depends on what is inexpensive to you and where and what you want to live in. But honestly just google will be more than enough, but if you see anything expensive in Miami Beach, don_t thik that it_s all around that pricing because it_s not, not even close. Like I said, there_s really inexpensive and expensive places to live. Also, as a sidenote, you could also move to a place near Miami Beach aif that_s where you want to move to, and just take any of the mass transit (some are even free like the Metromover) or cab, train, bus, etc or if you have your own car which living in certain palces in Miami you don_t need one, you can always just drive there. Enjoy your new life in Miami, I know you won_t regret and will love every second of it. Your going to love being a Miamian.
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