Sunday, August 16, 2009

How can I participate in reindeer herding in Alaska?|123935

I got to know of this traditional event through an episode from My super sweet 16: Exiled. A family spends a few weeks out in the cold and put up barriers so the herd doesnt end up endagering themselves. It happens every year. I thought it was really interesting, wonderful and selfless act and I would like to know how can I get myself hosted by one of these families when their out doing that.

  • You are right. There are many traditional reindeer herders in Lapland, also known as Finnmark.
    In Alaska, there is a University of Alaska herd, but most of the reindeer are owned by Alaskan Natives in the Nome area. They could probably use some help when they gather the herd together to remove the antlers. google reindeer herding on the Seward Peninsula and see if you can find a person_s name. Write to that person and ask if you can come help. You will have to bring your own food, sleeping bag, etc. Ask them what else you should bring.
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