Monday, October 6, 2008

What is the best big city to live in if you are a single black male in the United States?|159134

I tried living in Los Angeles but it is to much racism between the Black people and everyone else. I am looking for a bg city that has a lot to do and that does not look down on Black people the way Los Angeles does.

  • The best one is the place where you can best further your career. Because succeeding in what you choose to do for a living means succeeding in all other areas, too, including developing a fine wardrobe, getting a really comfortable apartment where you don_t have to be ashamed to invite friends over, maybe pay for a cleaning service so it stays presentable.

    No matter what your color or otherwise background, you go where you can shine at what you do best, and then build a good, comfortable, sustainable lifestyle for yourself. And don_t forget to get to know some quality ladies of all different colors and backgrounds, and choose with your head, informed by your heart. Better still, find the right lady, and let yourself be chosen by her!

    Of course, all of this presupposes you have chosen your career path, and where you can best shine. If you haven_t worked that part our yet, may I recommend you make that your focus. The current copy of _What Color is Your Parachute?_ would be a wise investment.

  • Thanks for whoever voted for me. I_m glad to see people recognize the value of head informed by heart, rather than ruled by heart. The difference, you see, is called moral judgment.

  • I have heard wonderful things about Atlanta, Georgia from young black professionals

  • Honestly, I don_t think there is any place that will be the _perfect_ place.... Are you trying to stay on the west coast?

    Check this article out and then do some research:��

    Most big cities, have higher crime rates and most of them are based in the black community.

  • AuntB93 makes some EXCELLENT points, young man...

    And BTW, racism exists many places - no real way to get around it...

    CREATE your life and make it what you want it to be...the right people in your life will _appear_
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