Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Which city is best to live in Chicago or san fransisco, San diego is an option as well?|157110

Which city has the highest living expenses and which has the lowest? Which city is the most artisticly flourishing?

  • San Diego has a lot of open areas........The utilities aren_t as expensive as in San Francisco or Chicago....The weather is more temperament in San Diego. Rarely do you need to wear long sleeves in San Diego. In the evenings you can wear a windbreaker.........very few times do you wear a leather coat. If it is clear blue skies with puffy clouds and no smog........then San Diego would be the choice.

    As in all three places there are many nationalities from all over the world. Each has its flourishing in its own artistic ways.

    Historically Chicago and San Francisco have the more iinteresting buildings.

    Here are some good sites for housing information: one of the local papers

  • I don_t know anything about San Francisco, but I_ve lived in San Diego for my entire life and I frequently travel to Chicago. San Diego has beautiful weather. Its usually sunny, but the weather is very unexpected. Just yesterday it rained and its June. In Chicago, the winters are very cold. Sometimes below zero. The summers are nice too, but sometimes it gets too humid in my opinion. I have to say that the cuisine and epicurean taste in Chicago is a lot better than San Diego, but I prefer the traffic in San Diego over Chicago anyday. Also if you there are other forms of transportation such as the trains, buses, or taxi. In San Diego, there are only the buses, the coaster, and the trolley. Hope that helped.

  • San Francisco is the most expensive city, followed by San Diego, then Chicago. Chicago has the Art Institute, and a very artistic community. It is a city that has all you would need, and more. Only drawback is weather. It is truly the windy city, and icy, freezing as well. San Diego has the best weather, but it_s people are typical Southern Cal. - rude, self absorbed, entitled, and narcisstic - sorry, but all of Southern Cal. is like that! Northern Cal. has the best people, they_re more like Midwesterners in attitude and values. Chicago_s people are great as well.

    I prefer San Francisco, for it_s beauty, things to do, and openness of people. If you go there, just bring lots of money because it costs!

  • as for highest living i already KN0W without having to think its gonna be ANYWHERE iN CALi period.

    lowest...i really cant say but prolly chicago and chicago is flourishing alot right now with the olympics coming here in acouple years and all...chicago has alot going on!

    i dont know much of anything about san fran besides all the up_down hills and the golden gate bridge-- i couldnt live there, but heres something to ponder-- trying to move FR0M Chicago T0 most likely San Diego real soonnnn....chicago cannot be compared to san diego! like everrr! cali has much more to do in my opinion ESPECiALLY with the beaches and celebs and stuff Oh! and might i add the wonderful weather =]]

  • San Diego is really nice.
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