I_m going on vacation to Chicago for the first time in February and I_m trying to find out what the weather may be like.
LOL your guess would be as good as ours.
It will be cold for sure, but as for snow ? Ice ? high winds ?
There is a saying here and it is _if you don_t like the weather wait 5 minuets_ It can change just that fast.
Hope you enjoy your visit !I_ve lived in Chicago my whole life....you can expect snow, cold, windy, and mostly gray days. You will see some sunny days but on those days it will likely be very cold (like under 25 degrees). This winter so far we have had more snow than we should have had for the whole season....so be sure to dress warm and bring your boots. Hope you have a wonderful visit! Chicago is a great city!I have lived in Chicago my whole life and Feb. and March are, for me, the most brutal. It will be cold for sure. If it rains, it is the cold cold rain that goes right to the bones. Solution- drink lots of booze, eat lots of food, stay inside. For Chicagoans, that which does not kill us makes us stronger.Cold, snowy and windy.
Most days would probably be in the 20s or low 30s, snow and snow showers are commen, and the wind chill can be brutal.******* cold
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