Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How much money does it cost in denver colorado to go through surgery to get your ears put back?|128220

okay my ears is not like normal people ears would come out i ears is not back like others instead its up sticking out...how long and how much money will it cost to get them put back in the state of colorado?

  • Your insurance probably wouldn_t pay for it because it would be considered _cosmetic surgery._
    So, you are probably looking at around $3,000 total at the very most.
    This should include everything.
    Good luck to you, sweetie.

  • you don_t have to have surgery. my dad wore double stick tape behind them to bed for a few years and they became as flat as can be.

  • Maybe Mike Tyson can chew them off for nothing

  • Look in the phone book and call some plastic surgeon offices. You can look up the doctors on line.

    Dex Knows

  • around $1000-$1500 dollars...depends on insurance

  • 2k

  • about the same amount a Shrink charges...

    Get some help my dear

  • Not like normal people ears? There are many people who have ears that stick out. It_s not abnormal. You should be proud of the way you are, and embrace it. If you hate your ears that much, it_s so much more cheaper to just cover then with your hair.
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