I_ll be flying into and out of Logan airport in July on Continental flights. My flight out leaves at 8:30am. What would be a good time to arrive at the airport to allow time to get my bags checked in _ go through security?
If it is a domestic flight, i would recommend getting there by 7am. That way, you will have 1 1/2 hrs to check in your bags and go thru security. 6:30 would be even safer since its july...
If its for international, get there by 5:30 am, 6:30 at the latest.
It is better to get to the airport early....if it_s domestic, you just need to show up an hour ahead of time. it only takes 15 min to get through check in (you could check in online before and then just check your bags in) and 10 min to get through security. and even if there are long lines, if you_re flights leaving soon they_ll just pull you through.I usually get there 45 minutes before my flight and am the one that had to get the airline employee to get me to skip ALL LINES and I literally just breeze through it all. never once had a problem and always got VIP treatmentGet there before 7, because they are highly securitorized there. I flew out of there about 2 years ago and they made me take off my sweatshirt and shoes. We had to go through a lot before being able to sit and relax.I would do online check in, with curbside or self baggage check in, and get there at 7 am no later than 730. If you do online check in it cuts down most of your time, security would be your main issue.For Domestic they want you all checked n one hour before take
For international they want you there 2 hours before take off
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