Where would Aggie students and blinn students go to get seriously drunk. My friend and I are transfering into Texas A and M, and want to know where the hot spots are. We like to also know where there are place to go camping, that allow alcohol.
What, you didn_t like my last answer over in the Dining Out section?
I saw one of your other questions, and to answer in advance, there are no gay clubs in College Station.I attended A_M a few years back. unless things have changed there -- heavy drinking is NOT popular there. you may wish to consider another school for some lost weekends. Aggieland is a great place and you can find some cold beer right next to the BBQ or in the dance hall-- but party U doesn_t really fit the description there.in the middle of nowhere, like a back road of a highway, where no police go.
east beach in galveston is drinking allowed, but not swimsuits optional(damn!)
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